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In what ways germs are transmitted?

When we cough and sneeze, we will produce respiratory droplets. They will cause flu and colds to be transferred from person to person.

It means, when we walk past a sick person who is sneezing and coughing, the droplets will pass through the air and drop [settle] on our nose or mouth. Another way that they can spread is when we touch a surface which the droplets have settled on. If we do not wash our hands immediately before touching our face, we might get infected. Germs can survive 2 hours or longer on the surface areas of the furniture.

We are encountering many diseases in our daily life, the chances for us getting sick is very high. I think in order to prevent it, we should always be hygienic, for example, covering our mouth while sneezing, washing our hands before eating…etc. Also, we need to eat a healthy and balanced diet and exercise regularly.
