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Feel headache towards march holiday.

The march holiday will be a very busy week.Besides the fact that i have 4 days of CCA practise(include the competition day)and 1 day outing to celebrate my birthday with my friends, I have lots of lots of homework to do.

Yesterday, miss khek gave us a whole stack of comprehension worksheets. You guess how thick is it? It is about 1cm thick!!!!! But, the english homework does not just end there. We also need to write 4 journals out of the 12 questions.English homework is not the only homework i get. I also have math, bio.... and here there are:

HCL: 3 comprehension
1 reading worksheet
1 composition
EL: The whole stack of comprension worksheets
4 journal writing
word power(revised)
Geo: Text bk Pg85, map work
Bio: WB Pg 24, MCQ questions and Structure qn 1 & 3.
E-Math: TYS Qns (graph) (luckily A-math does not have)

Then, this is my schedule for next week,
10 Mar: Health Promotion Board service
11 Mar: Tuition
12 Mar: FREE
13 Mar: GB 10am-6pm
14 Mar: GB 10am-6pm
15 Mar: GB 10am-6pm
16 Mar: Outing 12pm-???
17 Mar: Drill Competition (an important day)
18 Mar: Tuition

Every teacher says that they only give 'a little' homework to do. They are 'so kind' that they have given us a discount. But, while i add up all my homework i need to finish within this terrible week, i feel headache and stressed.There is a test on the first week of school, i need to study it. I did very badly for my first term. I really hope the teacher will be more considerate next time. And nevertheless, they always don't mark our homework. What's the purpose if we don't know our mistakes?

I cannot be discouraged! BARK UP! FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
