Sunday, March 25, 2007

competition results

We lose the competition(silver)...
our senior contigent won!

I know a lot of people cried yesterday, especially pioneer contigent.
But,I think no matter what we get, we should be thankful.
As Grace said:"we have already won! We have won our team spirits!"
haha. i think that's right.
So, 不要对胜负跟耿耿于怀。


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Marriage at 16? ST 180307

Muslim teenagers are allowed to get married at age 16. Some of the girls who have had sex before the marriage are forced to get married by their parents. The parents wanted to save face. I wonder if the face is more important than their children's future? Making your children marry at 16 is a wrong choice as they are ill-prepared. The loss of face is only temporary while the children's future is a life-long issue.

If i were the girl, i will not want myself to get trapped in the house. I want to do more things rather than take care of a child or do housework. And also, I do not know whether the guy i married is the correct one. There is a less time for me to choose.

Ok, so i hope the government will raise the minimum age to 18. I think by then, the teenagers are slightly more responsible. They may finish some amount of studying and would have gotten some qualifications. They will be able to earn some money to raise a child.


Saturday, March 17, 2007

Great! 2nd Coy rocks!

Our girls have done a great job today! The drill is very nice. I can feel the team spirit. The commander too, did a good job. Zara's voice very loud and we could hear the echos. HAHA~~
I think we have no problem winning gold. Ya, no problem.
YEAH! 2nd coy rocks!!!!!!!!!!!! muacks!!!!


now, we need to concentrate on our creative drill.... jia you~~


Friday, March 16, 2007

Today is My birthday.

Today is my birthday.
A lot of thanks to my friends.
Thanks for the cake, presents, happiness and etc...
Just want to say:
I love you all! =)

i find a lot of people have the same birthday as mine. Sheila, Ms Donis, and I have the same birthday! Also, we all GB girls. HAHA. The world is so small! haha.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007


feeling sick.
dint go for gb...

Monday, March 12, 2007

Arashi - Sakura Sake

Vocals: Satoshi Ohno
Vocals: Masaki Aiba
Vocals: Sho Sakurai
Vocals: Kazunari Ninomiya
Vocals: Jun Matsumoto
Started: 1999
Status: Active

Arashi is yet another Johnny’s group, but they are still widely popular. A 5-member all male group, they formed in 1999 in Hawaii. Their first ever song was used as the theme song for the volleyball world cup and from that, their popularity grew. They have a unique style of music ranging from Pop, to Hip-Hop, to R&B and are also known for their dance moves.The term Arashi is Japanese for storm and they have indeed taken over the entertainment industry like a storm. Each member have stared in movies, doramas, and they even have a tv show of their own on top of their music. Just in 2004, they’ve celebrated their 5th year anniversary.Because of each member’s good looks and their very powerful dances, Arashi had attracted fans from tweenagers (ranging from eleven to fourteen) to even mid-forties! The group had released more than ten chart topping singles and four albums since they released their first single titled Arashi.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

In what ways germs are transmitted?

When we cough and sneeze, we will produce respiratory droplets. They will cause flu and colds to be transferred from person to person.

It means, when we walk past a sick person who is sneezing and coughing, the droplets will pass through the air and drop [settle] on our nose or mouth. Another way that they can spread is when we touch a surface which the droplets have settled on. If we do not wash our hands immediately before touching our face, we might get infected. Germs can survive 2 hours or longer on the surface areas of the furniture.

We are encountering many diseases in our daily life, the chances for us getting sick is very high. I think in order to prevent it, we should always be hygienic, for example, covering our mouth while sneezing, washing our hands before eating…etc. Also, we need to eat a healthy and balanced diet and exercise regularly.


Friday, March 9, 2007

Feel headache towards march holiday.

The march holiday will be a very busy week.Besides the fact that i have 4 days of CCA practise(include the competition day)and 1 day outing to celebrate my birthday with my friends, I have lots of lots of homework to do.

Yesterday, miss khek gave us a whole stack of comprehension worksheets. You guess how thick is it? It is about 1cm thick!!!!! But, the english homework does not just end there. We also need to write 4 journals out of the 12 questions.English homework is not the only homework i get. I also have math, bio.... and here there are:

HCL: 3 comprehension
1 reading worksheet
1 composition
EL: The whole stack of comprension worksheets
4 journal writing
word power(revised)
Geo: Text bk Pg85, map work
Bio: WB Pg 24, MCQ questions and Structure qn 1 & 3.
E-Math: TYS Qns (graph) (luckily A-math does not have)

Then, this is my schedule for next week,
10 Mar: Health Promotion Board service
11 Mar: Tuition
12 Mar: FREE
13 Mar: GB 10am-6pm
14 Mar: GB 10am-6pm
15 Mar: GB 10am-6pm
16 Mar: Outing 12pm-???
17 Mar: Drill Competition (an important day)
18 Mar: Tuition

Every teacher says that they only give 'a little' homework to do. They are 'so kind' that they have given us a discount. But, while i add up all my homework i need to finish within this terrible week, i feel headache and stressed.There is a test on the first week of school, i need to study it. I did very badly for my first term. I really hope the teacher will be more considerate next time. And nevertheless, they always don't mark our homework. What's the purpose if we don't know our mistakes?

I cannot be discouraged! BARK UP! FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Full House II come out

Full House II has came out in Korea quite long time ago. However, not many people knows it. There is no chinese or english version yet.

There are some peaceful days after their marriage. But, they are not like snow white whom live happily ever after. The author always twist the story to get the readers' attention. OK, i may say her twist is not very impressive this time , or rather it is too 死板. 艾丽 got in a car accident and was found in an unfamiliar place when she woke up. She and her husband lost contact. The guy(quite rich) who found her is attracted by her beauty. He likes her.The chapter stops her. I think all of us will more or less guess out what will happen to the rest of the story.

Still, I feel that the first series of the manga or the movie, television programmes is the best. The continuation story is not as good as the first one. Don't you feel the same?

(Her drawing is nice)


Friday, March 2, 2007


双鱼座(Pisces) 水瓶座(Aquarius )

天蝎座(Scorpio) 天秤座(Libra)

白羊座 (Aries) 金牛座 (Taurus)

双子座(Gemini) 巨蟹座(Cancer )
狮子座 (Leo ) 处女座(Virgo )


飞轮海 势不可挡

WHY all my friends are so crazy over 飞轮海?And how come i dont have any feelings towards them? =.=

They got act in 花样少年少女. Wow, their handsome looking attracted a lot of girls, ranging from Taiwan, china, malaysia and singapore. They are really hot. Many of my friends' msn display picture use their picture, especially wu zun's. He is the hottest in the band. Still, i felt nothing about him. I think thats very werid for me, because im a 花痴. I like beautiful things.

HAHA.Its quite late today, i will stop here.

i like the comic version of huang yang shao nian shao nv.
